Rectourethral fistula is a connection between the lower urinary tract and the distal part of the rectum. RUFs are rare conditions and can be classified as congenital or acquired. Management of every fistula requires excellent surgical skills and delicate handwork. Dr. Sujit Choudhary is a vigilant and skilled surgeon with expertise in handling delicate cases. He is the best doctor in town to treat recto urethral fistula which is an uncommon but devastating condition resulting from surgery, radiation, trauma, inflammation, or occasionally anorectal anomaly.
The rectourethral fistula requires careful evaluation and proper diagnosis. The treatment of the recto urethral fistula is difficult but Dr Sujit has the best knowledge to carefully treat the disorder. Most fistulas can be treated by closure of the fistula and placement of a muscle flap from the leg between the rectum and the urethra. This muscle flap is essential to allow for healthy healing of this area. The hole in the rectum can also for the most part be simply closed. In a large fistula, a piece of the lining of the inner cheek, called buccal mucosa, is used to close the hole in the prostate and urethra. The lining of the inner cheek is very similar to the lining of the urethra. This surgery takes several hours, and the recovery will take many weeks afterward, but it is one of the only reliable ways of getting these fistulas to close.
It usually takes 4-6 weeks to recover after the surgery and Dr. Sujit ensures seamless aftercare and proper guidance during the recovery phase. To know more about recto urethral fistula, consult Dr. Sujit now. Fix your appointment and get your treatment under the supervision of the best doctor.